10月. 12-14, Westminster welcomed parents and families to campus for a full weekend of activities, 包括参加教师会议的机会, 体育比赛, 学生表演及特别节目. 在周六, the afternoon capped off with a special harvest dinner in 阿姆斯特朗食堂 followed by music, s 'mores和新装修的Keyes Patio上的一个火坑.
Although teacher conferences are the primary purpose of the weekend, 父母们和孩子们一起享受了美好的时光. 给伊莱和丽莎·埃默森他们去看望了他们的女儿, 丽芙·“24, it was a special day since Liv is finishing her final year at Westminster. It would be the last time they would visit campus on a fall parents weekend, “而这美好的天气使它变得更好,丽莎·爱默生说.
理查德·迪贝尼迪托和斯蒂芬妮·方度, Brody DiBeneditto ' 26的父母, were thrilled to see how their son had progressed since last year. “His first year was a new experience for us as parents and for Brody. 这是一块巨大的垫脚石。. 今年秋季周末,我回到校园, “we can see how much more he feels at home now and how his confidence has grown. 作为父母,我很高兴看到这一点。.
Those thoughts were echoed by 校长 伊莲白 and by parents committee co-chairs Julie and Ben Wurts P’22, ’24 in their addresses Friday afternoon in Werner Centennial Center. White emphasized to parents: “Your children are wonderful works in progress and this weekend gives us an opportunity to work together in support of that process.” The Wurts urged new parents to become more involved with the school and fully engage in their child’s Westminster experience. 建模今年的主题是参与, the committee’s work has been a labor of love that benefits all students, 他们说. “Parent feedback made a difference in rolling out a revitalized and reshaped parents committee,朱莉·沃茨补充道.
星期五下午, 每个年级都举行了特别的家长聚会, 包括六年级凯斯天井奉献. White thanked the families for their support in making the Keyes renovation a reality. She pointed out that the patio is a gift for the entire school; it is a gathering and meeting area to enjoy each other’s company in the Martlet spirit of community building. 丽莎·罗基奥,24岁, 谁担任2024届捐赠委员会的主席, said that the committee envisioned the patio as an “inclusive space and a place students want to gather, 分享食物, 合作完成作业或者只是闲逛. And from what I’ve heard this weekend, in these few short months, it has become all of this and more!”
Elizabeth Pruellage, 24岁, 学生活动联合负责人, commented that aside from a place to gather together the patio also serves as a place of quiet during a busy day.
周末期间, all parents and families had a chance to enjoy the campus and Keyes Patio with its view of Pratt House, 安德鲁斯纪念教堂和阿默学术中心. Adrienne Owen P’24 remarked that although many beautiful spaces exist on campus, Keyes Patio offers a breathtaking view of the entire valley and the hills beyond.